

[col-sect][column]Paul Lokut is the leader of the Kamion Honey Group and a member of the Ik people of northeast Uganda. The Ik–among the most marginalized and impoverished people on earth–have harvested honey for centuries as a food source. Since their displacement from their traditional mountain lands in the 1960s, the Ik have found them selves caught between larger, armed tribes who raid the vulnerable Ik villages when opportunity presents itself. Certain tribes have been know to cut down whole trees to get to bee hives hung in them, destroying the hive in the process.[/column]

I woke up in a strange place...

I'm finally working up the courage to start on a project that has been haunting me like a hungry dog. I still haven't actually pulled the trigger properly, but on the next exhale, I'll squeeze.

Kosovo, 2003

In the first year of vj schooling, I went to Kosovo. I literally wandered around for 7 weeks trying to find a story. My albanian fixer's father got held for questioning by the UN regarding his actions during the conflict and so my fixer had to stay with his father in their village.  Five days in, I found my self with out a driver, translator, or guide.  No story.

I learned a lot during that time, and I want to share some of that here. Over the next couple of days I'll be posting a few lessons that all up coming journalists, and all story tellers need to know.
