
Utah Outtakes

The men on my Dad's side of the family got together in Utah, outside of Park City to fly fish and catch up. I tried to take portraits of them with my Fuji GS645 which I thought I had recently repaired. However it turned out that the rangefinder fell out of alignment so I had to use my 5dM2 as a rangefinder. During the shoot, the shutter on the Fuji failed as well, so we'll see how it turns out after I develop the film. These are the digital tests I took of my Dad, Uncles, and Cousins.

{Uncle Andy}


{Uncle Jim}[/column][/col-sect]




Dustin and I traveled to the Congo together in March of 08. Perhaps my favorite part about our friendship is how totally and completely opposite we are. He is decided, I'm instinctive. He's quiet, I'm loud. You can read more about his time in Congo here


Very unofficial, but telling, test of the Sennheiser MKE 400

The MKE400 is a great Mini-Shotgun, cardioid mic.  I think I first found this guy when I was trying to figure out what Kevin Sites was using during his stent as a War So-Jo (Solo Journalist) for  I have yet to determine if this was what he was using, but it doesn't matter because the MKE400 rocks.

I'm going to post a full review on the MKE400 as well as a full write up on audio recording functionality of the 5D.  But for now, let me show you how big of a difference a good, narrow pattern mic like the MKE400 makes when shooting on the 5D Mark II.

Sennheiser MKE 400 test from Jonathan Shuler on Vimeo.