
Native Plants Study

©Jonathan Shuler 2014

©Jonathan Shuler 2014

I'm starting a Native Plants study and I'm already at a loss. I've spent most of my time as a photographer shooting the same subject, people, in mostly the same way, using the same visual language for almost 10 years. My hope is that divorcing myself form my usual subject matter will force me to find new ways of seeing. It's already been a little rough.

Most of my photographic muscle memory is useless in this context. I find myself snapping (groan) away and then asking myself "what am I taking a photograph of?" Documental Botanical Photography does not feel right to me, at least not yet. Maybe I will find a way to marry Koudelka with Weston, but in the mean time I feel like I have a lot to learn.

©Jonathan Shuler 2014

©Jonathan Shuler 2014